"[SC Object Guid] is null or empty" i simple runbook


I'm trying to make my first simple runbook and have
followed this excellent video guide https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ox_DX04DlXc&list=PL2U54Yj_-iQOKhDkhdmRlyVP6usfEIiJ1&index=2
and have done everything exactly as described in the video - the runbook can be
seen at 27:30 in the video.

I've got the Activity GUID just as described in the
video but when I try to get the service request guid based on the
runbook activity guid I get nothing and the error says: [SC Object Guid]
is null or empty.

I have tried to create different runbooks but the
result is just the same. I am not capable in getting the service request GUID.

Permissions should be just fine.

Any ideas?



December 13th, 2014 12:01am

First off you can pass the SR GUID directly to the runbook. But for the issue at hand, is it the activity "Update SR" that gives an error?

Have you enabled logging for the runbook? That gives alot more info for troubleshooting. Go to properties on the runbook and the logging tab check both options. 

Can you provide a screenshot of the configuration on the activity that is giving you trouble?

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December 13th, 2014 12:48am


Thanks for the response.

It turned out to be one of those stupid failures caused by the one who configured the connector in orchestrator (me).

Somehow I had set the orchestrator to connect to our Datawarehouse management server instead of the Service Manager Management server - dooouhg.

When set to the correct server everything works as expected J


  • Marked as answer by Mikkel Madsen Friday, January 23, 2015 7:58 AM
January 23rd, 2015 10:58am

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